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Qu'est-ce que Maxthon 3 ?

Maxthon 3 est le nouveau membre de la famille Maxthon. Maxthon 3 possède un double moteur d'affichage, deux moteurs de rendu qui permettent de couvrir l'ensemble du Web en deux modes: Ultra et Retro. Ultra, qui utilise Webkit, permet de naviguer plus rapidement sur les sites Web récents, respectant les nouvelles normes. Retro, qui utilise Trident, pour les anciens sites, obsolètes et optimisés pour Microsoft IE. Fondamentalement, Retro élimine ces moments où, lorsque vous accédez à une page Web, certaines de ses parties ne fonctionnent pas en raison de son code dépassé. La mort annoncée des sites au redoutable message "Ce site fonctionne mieux avec IE". En outre, Maxthon 3 a certaines caractéristiques très cool qui faciliteront et accéléreront votre navigation sur le Web: Mouvement de la souris, Remplissage Magique, Filtrage de contenu, barre d'adresse intelligente, et favoris en ligne.

Why Dual Display Engines ?

Dual Display Engines for super fast and flawless loading of all web pages – old standards and new. Tired of broken and slow web pages? Our Dual Display Engines recognize and load non-standard pages faster than any other browser. Maxthon uses its Ultra Mode technology by default, switching to Retro Mode only when necessary to fix and display older-style websites.

Many old websites are engineered with outdated standards. These old sites will fail to display, have broken features and often crash the browser. The new Maxthon 3 has one-of-a-kind solution to recognize these problem sites and solve this problem: Retro Mode. Retro Mode is usually automatic. But if, you run into a stubborn, strange page, click the button to the right of the Address bar to switch to Retro Mode. That should fix it and, next time you visit, Maxthon 3 will remember which mode is best for the website.

What is Webkit ?

Maxthon's Ultra Mode is based on the Webkit rendering engine -- the industry standard used by folks like Apple and Google. Maxthon defaults to Ultra Mode, that is best for *most* websites. Older websites work best with another rendering engine: Trident. Maxthon 3 is the first web browser to utilize both.

Where is the Maxthon 3 Changelog ?

Please refer the following link for details

How to get the latest version ?

Access the Maxthon 3 website:

Access the Maxthon 3 forum:

Maxthon 3's Four Processes

By default, Maxthon 3 uses three major processes to make your web surfing sizzle: the Main framework process,、Webkit process and a state-of-the art、resource management process. Enable Retro Mode and you'll get the fourth horseman of Max 3: Trident(IE) processing. This covers all of the bases.