La barre d'adresse

De Wiki Francophone de Maxthon
Révision datée du 2 août 2005 à 15:04 par Ernest (discussion | contributions)
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Change the settings of your Address Bar.

Domain Completion
This option can save you some time typing addresses. If you enter 'Maxthon' and press CTRL + Enter the address that will be opened is '' if you have set 'www.' + '.com' for the CTRL key.
Delete Typed URLs
Remove the URLs you have inserted in the address bar.


Here you can add the services that are available if you click on the drop down icon on the right side of the green 'Go' button on the addressbar. You can use the + and - buttons to add/remove items. With the other icon you can modify existing items.

URL Alias

Here you can add an URL alias. If you type the alias in the address bar you are redirected to the URL you have entered here. You can find more info about URL Alias in the 'Maxthon Features' Part of this help file.

Don't forget to enable URL Alias in Options > Use URL Alias!
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